Welcome to EHSNA

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Celebrating and promoting the rich tapestry of Ethiopian culture.

"When spiders unite, they can tie up a lion"

Ethiopian proverb

Our Mission

Celebrating and Preserving Ethiopian Heritage in North America

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Heritage and Harmony: Ethiopian Legacy and community in USA

Heritage Transformation

Passing on Ethiopian culture, history, and heritage to the next generation of young Ethiopians...

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Unity in Diversity

Strengthening the relationship between the Ethiopian and African-American communities in the Washington metropolitan area...

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Ethiopian-African-American Bonds

The Ethiopian and African-American communities have forged a unique and dynamic relationship...

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Celebrating and Preserving Ethiopian Heritage

At the Ethiopian Heritage Society in North America (EHSNA), our core mission is to celebrate and promote Ethiopian culture through literature, music, and the arts. We focus on enriching the cultural experience of Ethiopians and Ethiopian-Americans by offering educational programs that highlight our rich heritage and by fostering cross-cultural understanding to enhance North America's cultural diversity.


Key Activities and Tasks

 The Ethiopian Heritage Society in North America (EHSNA) undertakes various tasks and activities, including:

  • Promotion of Ethiopian Culture
  • HSNA is dedicated to showcasing Ethiopian culture through various mediums such as literature, music, and the arts. This involves organizing cultural events, exhibitions, and possibly cultural exchange programs.
  • Community Enrichment
  • The organization aims to enrich the lives of Ethiopians and Ethiopian Americans in North America. This could involve community-building activities, social events, educational programs, and providing a platform for networking and support among community members.
  • Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • EHSNA works to promote understanding and appreciation of Ethiopian culture within the broader North American cultural mosaic. This likely includes participation in multicultural events, collaboration with other cultural organizations, and educational outreach to non-Ethiopian communities.


Be Part of Our Journey!

EHSNA is a membership-based organization that welcomes everyone who shares a passion for Ethiopian heritage. Whether you are Ethiopian, an Ethiopian American, or a friend of Ethiopia, your support and participation are what enable us to implement and achieve our mission and goals. As a member, you are the heartbeat of our community—the volunteers, the supporters, the culture bearers, and the audience—we thrive because of your involvement.

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